Egypt's exports to the Nile Basin countries in 2015 rose by 14.8 percent compared to 2014, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
The agency said in a statement that the value of Egypt's exports to the Nile Basin countries amounted to LE7.9 billion in 2015, compared to LE 6.9 billion in 2014.
The Nile Basin countries are Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Eritrea.
Sudan ranked first among Nile Basin countries that imported Egyptian products in 2015, recording an increase of 31.7 percent compared to 2014, according to CAPMAS report.
The most important items that have been exported to Sudan were plastics, sugar and confectionery, and iron and its products.
The statement added Kenya ranked second, with an increase of 2.6 percent compared to 2014.
The statement said that the most important items that have been exported to Kenya included soap, candles, and paper.
The value of imports from Nile Basin states fell in 2015 to LE2.7 billion, recording a decline of 31.8 percent compared to 2014.
Kenya ranked first with imports estimated at LE2.1 billion.
The statement said that Egypt imported from Kenya livestock, grains, medical plants, and fodder.
Egypt Independent
19 October