In recent years, Morocco has imported 95% of its energy as fossil fuels at a cost reaching up to US$4 billion per year.
However, gifted with a favorable geographical position for solar, wind and hydro exploitation, Morocco's renewables are recognized as a major opportunity to reduce dependence on foreign imports while generating employment opportunities and cutting greenhouse gas emission. If implemented correctly, such exploitation may lead to future green electricity exports to Europe.
As a result, over the next four years, Morocco’s Ministry of Energy will work towards meeting the government target of 6,000 MW of electricity generated by renewable energy, with the expected projects in the pipeline valued at US$13billion.
Organized by ACM Events, Morocco Solar, Wind & Hydro Projects 2016 will bring Morocco’s government representatives, international developers, contractors, financiers and other industry stakeholders to discuss the requirements and strategies for the successful financing, designing and constructing solar plants in the country under its renewable energy agenda.
For more information please call +971 4 361 4001 or e-mail
17 November