This year Austria will be participating for the 10th year in a row with an Austrian Pavilion at Project Qatar. For the Austrian companies present at the Austrian Pavilion, PQ is considered the main gateway for the Qatari construction and infrastructure market. At this year’s Austrian Pavilion you will find the following companies:
– Aquasys Technik, high pressure water-mist solutions
– Austrian Consulting Engineers Group ZT, Consulting, Architectural Engineering
– Design Composite, sandwich panels
– Ecotherm Austria, solar, hot water and steam systems
– Fritz Egger, wood, floorings and wood based materials
– Hilti, leading-edge tools and technology to the global construction industry
– Imeco HandelsgmbH, machinery and appliances for specialty underground construction
– M.C.I. Metalldecken Produktion, metal, cooling, fire protection ceilings, drywall storage
– Rockmore International, premium quality percussive rock drilling tools
– Siethom Technisches Büro, industrial products and tools
– Steinhauser Consulting Engineers ZT, consulting engineers, environmental protection
– Unger Stahlbau, steel construction, general contracting
Please visit us at the Austrian Pavilion at Project Qatar and have some Viennese coffee and sweets. Discover the capabilities and technologies of Austrian companies and the quality of their products, which can support you in making your business more effective and efficient. For Austrian businesses, Project Qatar creates the ultimate Qatari marketplace and meeting point for all involved parties in the construction sector.
Gerd Bommer
Commercial Counsellor
Austrian Embassy – Commercial Section