Figures released by the European Investment Bank's Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP) show that its investments in Lebanon totaled €140m in 2012 and accounted for 8% of its total investments in Mediterranean countries. It noted that Lebanon was the third smallest recipient in the Mediterranean basin, ahead of only Israel (7%) and Jordan (1%). Morocco was the largest recipient in the region with €1bn or 59% of the total, followed by Egypt with €245m (14%) and Tunisia €170m (10%).
In parallel, FEMIP's investments in Lebanon totaled €740m between October 2002 and December 2012, equivalent to 5.2% of its total investments in the Mediterranean region. Lebanon was the fifth largest destination of investments in the region during the covered period, behind Morocco with €3.6bn (25.3%), Egypt with €3.56bn (25.1%), Tunisia with €3.1bn (22%) and Syria with €1.1bn (7.5%). The distribution of FEMIP's investments in Lebanon shows that €423m were in credit lines, €175m were in the environment segment, €135m in the transport sector and €7m in private equity. FEMIP's investments in Mediterranean countries totaled €14.2bn between 2002 and 2012, including €1.7bn in 2012.
European Investment Bank, Byblos Bank Research
21 October