8 June 2016 promises to be special day for the Exhibitions Industry across the globe. Here is an outline of actions already planned.
Argentina: AOCA invites its members and partners to publish the GED logo on their websites and fan pages.
Australia: The world launch of #GED16 will kick off in Australia, and EEAA will hold its 2016 Leaders Forum on that day.
MCEC, in collaboration with EEAA, will host a Global Exhibitions Day Oration on 8 June 2016.
Belgium: FEBELUX will organize a "LiveCom Academy" in Brussels.
IFES plans to use their World Summit on 2-4 June to do a photo campaign for Global Exhibitions Day.
Brazil: UBRAFE engages its members to integrate the promotion of GED in their events and share interviews of employees and customers displaying the highlights of their work in the exhibition industry.
Central Europe: CEFA will arrange specific lobbying actions.
Croatia: Zagreb Fair is organizing the International business conference on the occasion of the GED 2016. The event would be held in the Congress hall of Zagreb Fair, on 8 June, under the high patronage of the mayor of Zagreb , Mr Milan Bandic. The Conference topic is " The power of trade show industry – today and tomorrow".
Czech Republic: Special press conference at Trade Fairs Brno, Brno, Czech Republic on June 7th, 2016 – dedicated to Global Exhibition Day.
France: UNIMEV will coordinate a “Global Exhibitions Day Run” in Paris.
Germany: AUMA and its Institute of the German Trade Fair industry are inviting professors, students and anybody who is interested in the exhibition and event industry to an open house. On its website, AUMA will present statements of CEOs from organizing and exhibiting companies about the benefits of exhibitions and their position in the marketing mix. Additionally, users will find basic information about the relevance of exhibitions within the German economy and the worldwide position of the German exhibition industry.
In Cologne, the focus will be the International Summer University held on that day and Kölnmesse will release a specific GED statement.
Ungerboeck promoted GED through their annual customer event.
Greece: ROTA SA will send a newsletter to all their contacts on 8 June with a video about the Greek exhibition industry.
Hong Kong: Conference and Gala Dinner in Hong Kong organized by the Hong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry Association (HKECIA).
Hungary: CENTREX engages its members to support GED and encourages them to add the GED logo to their electronic communications.
Special seminar organized by the Hungarian Marketing Association will take place on 8 June in Budapest.
HUNGEXPO, co-organizer of a biannual (Event touch) meeting schedule a section dedicated to trade fairs on 7 June with a special focus on GED.
Italy: AEFI celebrates GED16 with the "Meet Italian Excellence: Exhibitions as abridge for development" event, organized in on 8 June. A #GED16 video address of Mr Ettore Riello, president of AFI will be published on www.ufi.tv
Fondazione Fiera Milano is preparing a tag cloud with the key words that define exhibitions. The collection of statements from their Accademia students and the audience of Exhibitionist (a series of conferences about trade fairs and innovation) will be published on 8th June.
Pordenone Fiere will organize a special event “Let’s meet at the fair” in the afternoon of June 8th, open to the local general public.
India: Members of IEIA will meet ministers, government officials, industry association heads and industry leaders to discuss the significance of GED.
Indonesia: IECA will conduct the Indonesia MICE Forum on 26 May 2016 at ICE BSD City. The event will feature a backdrop with GED logo and a photo and video will be made showing all participants holding the GED logo.
Mexico: AMPROFEC is organizing a cocktail reception at the WTC to celebrate GED and plans to create a photo and video clip to pledge GED support.
Montenegro: Adriatic Fair from Budva celebrates the GED 2016, organizing a press conference in the capital Podgorica, on 7th of June. Besides the media representatives, the management of Adriatic Fair is expecting the prominent members of the domestic and international business community of Montenegro.
Poland: CENTREX and PCEI will hold their annual PCEI General Meeting on 8 June.
PCEI launched a GED media campaign in Poland, promoted GED during the CENTREX (International Exhibition Statistics Union) General Assembly in April 2016, promoted GED in the annual PCEI Report: Exhibition Market in Poland and organize a gathering entitled „The Engagement” devoted to GED 2016 on 8 June and GED celebrations in Poznań during the ITM Innovation Technologies Machines exhibition organized by Poznań International Fair.
Russia: RUEF will hold their 9th Exhibition Industry Forum and General Meeting on that day in Moscow. They will also organize an ExpoMotoRace through Russia devoted to GED and are in contact with 30 Governors of Russian regions to support GED.
Shanghai: SNIEC will produce a video message to support GED.
South Africa: EXSA will organize a diverse array of offerings, starting with a breakfast networking opportunity in Johannesburg.
AAXO plans a "Global Exhibitions Day Sleepout”.
Spain: AFE has produced a video of the AFE President and made it available to its Members who are organizing different local actions (meeting with official bodies, business organizations and/or journalists).
Switzerland: IELA schedules a media campaign addressing its members.
Taiwan: TECA will be holding a GED Conference in early June where pressing industry issues will be discussed.
Thailand: TEA will coordinate a "Power of exhibitions" forum with courses on topics such as "How to exhibit".
UK: AEO created a UK Poster to print off, adapted three of the guides and created a webpage dedicated to GED. They have also asked NEC to put the GED logo on one of their big screens, commissioned a video to be distributed on 8 June, and will hold a FaceTime meeting on the day.
USA: Over 125 industry professionals led by IAEE will be visiting legislative offices in Washington, D.C. on 8 June advocating for issues in the exhibition industry.
6 June