The Council of Ministers approved four grant agreements by the European Union (EU) and the World Bank. The first project, National Stability Development, is a €15 mil-lion grant by the European Commission. Its aim will be to enhance the institutional capacities of border management and police services, as well as Government readiness policies, in case of disasters.
The second grant was given by the European Commission to the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR). The €21 million grant will be used to modernize capacities in the field of solid waste management. Its goal will be to support the communities that were most affected by the Syrian refugee influx, by developing infrastructure and boosting the public capacities of local public administrations.
A €19 million grant by the EU for the protection and sustain-able development of maritime resources, was also approved. The project's implementation will span a period of seven years. The project will target the protection of biological diversity in four coastal areas, following the 2006 oil spill caused by damage to oil tanks hit by Israel.
The Council of Ministers also approved a $15 million grant by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) to carry out the Emergency Primary Healthcare project. The grant will be used to provide basic healthcare services to around 150,000 beneficiaries and to build capacities in healthcare centers.
Lebanon Opportunities Magazine
27 April