A new cluster development program for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in the southern Mediterranean has been introduced in Beirut, Lebanon. The program is funded by the European Union, with a contribution from the Italian Cooperation, and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). This new program will foster information dissemination and knowledge sharing through dedicated CCI centers that will be accessible to all existing enterprises and potential entrepreneurs of CCIs, as well as through workshops and regional meetings to enable the exchange of best practices and success stories.
The ceremony was attended by Minister of Industry Hussein Hajj Hassan, Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Lebanon, Ambassador of Italy in Lebanon Giuseppe Morabito, UNIDO Representative in Lebanon Cristiano Pasini and President of the Association of Lebanese Industrialists Fady Gemayel.
"By providing this assistance, we would ultimately like to see the pilot projects being replicated on a wider scale and thus create a momentum for further cluster development," Ambassador Eichhorst said.
Based on a national mapping of the CCI in Lebanon, a total of 12 clusters have applied to benefit from the financial and technical support of the program. As a result of a transparent selection process, two clusters in Lebanon will receive technical assistance in UNIDO’s "Clusters and Business Linkages Methodology". They will also benefit from multi-faceted market access and marketing assistance and distribution, including the participation in international fairs.
The program will complement and add value to current and future activities that are also funded by the European Union and other donors in the Southern Mediterranean
16 November