The Abu Dhabi Executive Council has approved the launch of a specialized center for protected agriculture in three stages in the emirate in a bid by the government of Abu Dhabi to boost this sector and its contribution to the country’s economy and to enhance investment in this field.
In a meeting held at the Executive Council under the chairmanship of Mohammad Ahmad Al Bawardi, member of the Executive Council, it was approved that the protected agriculture project will provide much-needed information for hands-on-training so that Abu Dhabi producers can examine, work and train in this new agricultural business environment.
“The project aims to ration water used for irrigation purposes and to transfer technology through launching greenhouse technology that will make Abu Dhabi producers more competitive and will contribute to self-sufficiency and even to export to other countries,” said the Council.
The center aims to introduce the concept of protected agriculture to replace the traditional intensive technique of growing plants to increase production and efficiency to better contribute to the achievement of self-sufficiency through increased production of vegetables.
“The project also aims to rationalize water consumption because of evaporation losses as this method of growing plants proved it is much more effective than traditional methods by tenfold,” according to the Council.
The Council said that the first phase will be to launch the greenhouses and to construct the center, then to train the national cadres and the third is to conduct research and run the center.
The Council also adopted a plan to move adult education from family development centers to the Abu Dhabi Educational Council to improve the quality of education to meet the needs of the learners.
Gulf News
Mar 24